Oct 17, 2007 22:55
I donated my old iMac to a classroom teacher and she is using it for her in class computer. I was a school teacher for a few years so I know how hard it is to be without one in the classroom. Well they have put it in there and they are using it. This is the letter I got today. It made me feel really good about what I did. Hurrah.
I just wanted to give you an update. M*** called me yesterday and told me that when she turned on your iMac, it made some kind of noise that her classroom computer never made. When it fired up, all the kids were clapping and cheering!
You've made a tremendous difference in one 6th. grade class. Your iMac is better than anything the school has for the teachers!
Thank you so much for all your help and your very generous donation!
Donating to schools and educators is a very worthwhile thing to do.