yeah for Saunas

Sep 14, 2008 21:07

We finally got the sauna up and going again. The boiler tank needed painting so Doug got that done and today I gave the sauna a good cleaning. Before supper we filled the boiler tank and the barrel with fresh water and Doug fired up the stove. After supper the hot water was ready and it was hot, hot, hot in there. We had a lovely sauna. Talk about sqeaky clean. We missed having our bi-weekly sauna. For sure we will have another tomorrow or the day after, just because. I hope you don't think this is misleading, as we still have showers in the house too. It should be good for the winter too, as long as we can haul water there, as there is no water line. We use the garden hose for filling the tanks. I also put in fresh towels and face cloths. There was still lots of shampoo and conditioner and body wash and soap. What a good end to the weekend.
On another note, we had a great day Friday. I went earlier to the Senior's Centre for an afternoon of outdoor games, cribbage tournament, and then Doug came later on for the pot-luck supper. It was beef on a bun and baked beans provided by the centre, and everyone brought salads and desserts. There was just so much food!!!And then after the supper a live band(old fogies) played some really old time country music. By 7:30pm the place had almost cleared out. We left by 8:00 pm ourselves.
Then Saturday, we went to another potluck supper at the Hymer's Fair grounds. It was volunteer appreciation. They made hamburgers, hotdogs, fries and onion rings, and we all brought something for the potluck. Again, there were salads, desserts, even perogies. And ice cream too!!! We all came home stuffed. The weather co-operated until the end, when the rain came. We were ok though as we had the supper outside but under a roofed, open air structure. This building has a stage where the entertainment is during the fair.
Now today we had breakfast at the Legion and then to town for some shopping. Since Doug is going back to work again tomorrow, we needed to make sure he had lots of fruit, yogurt and meats for his lunch. He has been on EI (Employment Insurance) since March so this will help extend his claim. He got his final lay-off papers twice now. And then he got called back to work.
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