(no subject)

Sep 25, 2011 21:41

Oh man what a weekend! I got a whole lot of NOTHING done. I had all kinds of stuff we needed to catch up on and none of it got done. Well I did get a bit of the kids laundry folded and put away, but now there's a new load of their stuff in the washing machine that will need to go in the dryer, then folded, then put away... I'm guessing it won't get done tonight. :-0 I wanted to clean the house, catch up on MY laundry, work on my blog that I haven't touched since I started my job, etc. I will have to play catch-up this week I guess.

The job is going great. I really like it! And the kids seem to like me too. I was late to class one day and the teacher told me the kids were all worried that I wasn't going to come. I think they are all good kids and I really enjoy working with them. There are two new boys that just came from Honduras and Guatemala and neither speak a word of English! So I work with them during 6th hour. I took two YEARS of Spanish in college and didn't retain a bit of it. :-/ We sit with our laptops and communicate with Google translate. :o) It's amazing how quickly they are learning.

In Tanner and Tallulah news... Everything is going well for my kids in school. We did switch Tanner to another kindergarten teacher. We had specifically requested that he NOT get a particular teacher because she is a yeller. Tanner just doesn't respond well to yelling (plus who wants their kid's first year of school to be spent getting yelled at???). The principal tries to prove a point and puts him in there anyway and tells us that he thinks he'll do fine. Well... it didn't go fine. Tanner would come home upset every day from school because it scared him when his teacher yelled at kids. He didn't get yelled at himself (he's a quiet kid who just sits there and doesn't say peep) but it worried him to see other kids get yelled at. He kept asking if he could have another teacher so after a three week trial I told Mr. Dunn that we wanted him to be moved. It's been like night and day- when I drop him off at school he doesn't even look back at me, he just happily marches into school. Before, he would cry every morning and say he didn't want to go. Don't get me wrong- the other teacher is a good teacher, she just has a very LOUD style and has a very biting sarcastic sense of humor. I've had friends who have had her for their kids and they love her. So everyone is different I guess.

I am gearing up for hosting bunco in October. I am excited! The only downside is it's the FIRST thursday of the month so I have to get all my decorations out and ready next weekend. All the girls know how crazy I am about Halloween and they are all excited to see my decorations. :o) I wanted to get some stuff out this weekend but I thought that getting Halloween decorations out this early would be like eating lunch at 10:30am. It just wasn't reasonable. I am just going to serve breadsticks, crackers and breads with dips and spreads (and of course a whole counter full of booze). There is a fancy gourmet/import grocery in South Bend where I will get my breads/crackers from. Now I just need to come up with dips! Of course I will do my blue cheese dip but other than that, I can't think of anything. Any suggestions????

Not much else to report. I did this HUUUUUUUGE announcement that I was going on this major diet/excercise kick about two weeks ago. Well... I am still waiting to get started. *blush* I did some killer workouts and ate lots of lean proteins and went easy on the carbs... for the first two days. I am still working out here and there. I speedwalk/jog from my house all the way into town in the time I have before work. It's a good distance and it's ALL hills. But it's not consistent therefore I am seeing NO results.

I had an internet encounter today that gave me flashbacks to Lizard King circa 1999. I post on a message board and sometimes I let the mod irritate me. I really shouldn't because it's not a big deal at all but I guess I was in a mood today and posted a gripe that honestly, I should have kept to myself. Of course some twatty troll comes along and says something trollish. I wasn't online to see her original post but she picked a fight with a girl who defended me. It was sooooo stupid. I should have just ignored the whole thing and told her:

But I didn't. Instead I appologized. But I wasn't very nice about it- I appologized "for making her act like an asshole." LOL, I shouldn't have said that but I guess I was in a mood and was irritated that she jumped in on something that had nothing to do with her personally. I was going to ask if she was "Lava Lamp Lady" but I didn't. ;-)

ALright, Boardwalk Empire started and I see that i have mised the first 20 minutes of it. Gotta go!
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