Comments on the SPN 8 Premiere

Oct 04, 2012 15:08

Comments under the header -- contains spoilers:

[Spoiler (click to open)]
Some fans are concerned about how Sam spent the year after Dean vanished.  Actually Sam's response (stopping hunting, aimlessly driving around, etc.) made sense to me in a way.  When you lose someone very close to you, you are grieving and what you do at that stage can be very different from what came before in your life.  When Sam lost Jess, he became bent on revenge (although part of him thought he could go back to a normal life afterwards).  When he lost Dean, he became a little crazy and hooked up with Ruby and the demon blood.  When Dean disappeared, he lost the last person in the world he was close to.  He had to be seriously depressed and probably aimless.  His previous reactions to loss had been to seek revenge and that had not turned out well for him (Ruby anyone!).  So depression and feeling totally alone could very well make an individual incapable of continuing their life as it was -- quit hunting, etc. By the time he started to heal, he apparently had met the dog and the girl and started on a different path.  Beyond that, does Dean have the right to query Sam's choice? After all, Dean gave up hunting and settled down with Lisa after Sam went to hell.  Yes, Dean promised Sam he would do that and so he did.  And Sam had promised that he wouldn't look for Dean if he vanished -- a mutual promise. Sam's reactions to Dean's disappearance may not be what the fans and Dean wanted to see but they are consistent with what someone might do after a heart wrenching loss.

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