Winchester Hair Revisited

Oct 05, 2010 12:35

 I just rewatched Sympathy for the Devil (on TNT).  Sam's hair was definitely darker than I remembered it in previous seasons so the change to darker hair was already taking place in Season 5.  However, in certain lighting, it still had some blond highlights on the tips.  Also, Dean's hair was a little less spiky than in previous seasons but still ( Read more... )

season 6 comment

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Comments 3

dodger_sister October 6 2010, 04:55:08 UTC
No, no, don't stop obsessing! Do a picspam to prove your point!!


phyllis2779 October 7 2010, 01:34:49 UTC
It's a great idea but I will have to learn how to do a picspam first. I love learning new ways to frustrate myself on the computer; I will try it when I get back from the convention.


dodger_sister October 22 2010, 06:39:23 UTC
Okay - so picspams are easy. When you go to make a post and you have your "posting" screen pulled up, there is an option at the top that reads "insert image".

So find the images you want on the internet, save them to your computer and then just use the "insert image" button to load them straight from your computer. A code will appear on your actual "posting" page that represents the picture. So then if you want to add comments, you can just type around the code.

It sounds confusing but just experiment around with your "insert image" button - you can always delete the post after you are done experimenting.

Good luck!

(Why, yes, I am behind on comments, why do you ask, lol)


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