So.. as you know I had shows last week XD
They wen't pretty well I think I'm gonna do my best now not to word poop too much XD
Well, I was very nervous of course XD On the dress rehearsal for an audience my teacher said I did 9 changements (jumps) instead of 6 in my name-combination for the "Nonsense"-choreography XDDDD that's soo awful XD
Well, I was more calmed down, but still nervous, the same night.. when the premiere would take place XD
For the class choreography I was supposed to have a pony tail with curls, so I got them done by another girl everyday (except the last day, that was a disaster XD). Made me feel like Tegoshi when Shige does his hair for concert XDDD
We started doing a few rituals before the show started (we did them every follow day then^^), making us very powered up =D On the premiere night we did them also in the dressingroom with our senpai and some teachers too :3
My class' choreography ("Nonsense..") was the first of the show, so we had to be on stage half an hour before everything started o.o it was a bit nervous, but after a while it was really nice^^ and doing the rituals on stage really powered us all up :3
The evening show on the second day (Friday) was the best though :3
The audience was awesome!! They reacted the way we wanted, and clapped for what felt like forever <3
The dance went very well too :3 well except for a small thing on "Nonsense.." XD The story teller switched two names in the introduction part o.o And one of the names was the one that was my cue to go in!!! I had just gone out when I heard "Once upon a time there was a ", and I was like "I'M SUPPOSED TO BE IN ALREADY O__O" and ran in when I saw that the wrong girls were in XDDD oh, we were all soo confused then XDDD
The duet went awesome though <333
Afterwards my class had clean duty though, not as fun (I got to clean the toilet on the upper floor (dressing room) -.- and some other stuff).. but it was okay XD
When I got home I saw that a package had arrived for me at the post office!! :D It was my Sakura Girl cds and the NEWS calendar!!! <3 Went to get them the next day :3
(My dad seemed to like Sakura Girl too XDD he went and turned the volume up when we were lissening XD)
I'm totally in love with the song Love Melodies <3
My parents went to the premiere, so I was really shocked to see them in the audience on the last day O.O (you can see the first few rows when on stage)
My mum had brought her camera, and took some pictures^^ most didn't turn out good at all (she's kind of a fail photographer XDD) but some did^^
I really like this one from the duet, there's much emotion in it :3
Mmm, and after those shows were done I had rehearsals for the other show (yesterday, the ballet one) with all the other people in it - from 10 to 19 o.o I was dead tired afterwards!!!
But it was really good, you could really see what it would be like all together^^
There are children from 5 and up in it XDD very cute^^ We older girls help them with a few things in the show^^ Like lifting them and stuff XDD
It's a ballet fairy tale, so we older girls (there are 6-7 of us) play tree spirits^^
I got to take the pair of pointe shoes, that I wrote about before, home.. but didn't get any protection to have inside them!! So I will probably have to buy that ;___; the ones I need cost nearly 300 kr (30 euro). DO NOT WANT D:
Well, speaking of buying stuff.. I was looking at a dance wear brand and found this
This leotard is sooo beautiful!!!! I WANT IT SOO MUCH *_____________*
well, in black though, because no other color is allowed as a student XD
I have two other leotards (my favorite ones <3) from this brand (it's called So Danca), so it wont be a problem to get the right size, because I will probably have to order it online XDD
I found something quite interesting on facebook also... Something called "Ballerina Project", which is a company (i think?) doing ballet photos. Really beautiful :3 Maybe i'll make some icons from these o.o what do you guys think?^^
Here are some of my favorites
That's pretty much what I have to say right now XDD
or.. wait!!!
One of my irl friends, who's also a NEWS fangirl (her ichiban is Tegoshi :3) got her own lj yesterday. If you girls are interested her nick is
haruberi :3
If you want to you can visit her and say hi^^ (and maybe recommend some communities, i don't think she's in any yet XD)
I failed on not word pooping, didn't I? XD