I'm still not freed from my cold, but i've decided to trying to go back to normal life anyway^^
This friday i was with school on a show, twice.. kind of XD It was a company from Helsinki^^
In the morning it was more like a workshop, we got to see how the choreographer works in different ways, and how different you can see one thing^^
Me and some other girls from my class decided to watch the actual show the same evening (we got it much cheaper because we're dance students :3). I really really liked it. I think i might look up the company more to maybe get some trainee weeks there next year^^ If i'm lucky that is XD
We also decided what to do on our school photo that day. The theme "super heroes" was decided. I don't really like the theme, because it's not so dance-y but anyway...
I'm going to be the pink super hero of awesomeness, foo~! XD
Yesterday the school had tickets to the Opera to see the Opera Ballet company's (it's a contemporary company though XD) latest work; Einstein & the Guest House. As usual for the Opera Ballet, it was two pieces in one night. I really didn't like the first piece; the Guest House, but i thought that Einstein's dreams (the second piece) was really interesting^^
I managed to do a huge fail today also...
I was going home from my boyfriend, and i didn't think about the fact that i wasn't one the tram i thought i was, so after the central station i was like "wait... damn >.<", so i had to go to the next stop which took 10 mins to go to and jump off there. When the tram back was where one of the buses i can take also goes i saw it leave! But it stopped at a traffic light close to the stop, so i ran after it and waved to the bus driver to let me in. But he didn't...
So i had to take another tram to that tram's end stop and walk from there. But because it had become dark outside it wasn't safe to go the fast way home, so i had to take another way that took 20 mins to walk instead of 10...
Well, i was lucky that i have NEWS on my mp3player...
oh, i almost forgot!
I might as well do this meme
oh_hey_there tagged me on while i'm at it...
I've done this meme several times before, but i think it's a meme you can do more than once because the questions change nee^^
1st: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any questions that you dislike with a new, original question.
2nd: Tag eight sexy people. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!!
1) Favorite song right now: hmmmm.... i really can't think of one recently XD but let's say Dancin' in the Secret or something^^
2) Last album bought/downloaded: NEWS' LIVE album (me too^^)
3) Things that are super-annoying at the moment: This damn cold! I want to kill it, grrrrrr >.<
4) Your favorite food at the moment: Chocolate-orange ice-cream XD *shot*
5) The last time you said/wrote something that didn't make any sense: When i suddenly said something with a strange accent while talking to my boyfriend today, several times o.o.. and it wasn't on purpose, wtf XD
6) Your favorite movies: *thinks a little* Phantom of the Opera~ (it was a while since i watched it now o.o need to do soon! XD)
7) Last person you spoke to: My mom.... -.-
8) Your favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate-orange from Sia ♥
9) The most expensive thing you've bought with your own money: hmmmm.. i don't know XD
10) Favorite clothes: Shorts! And 3/4 pants! 3/4 on a man totally makes me flail xDDD♥
11) If you could kill any animal what would it be and why: all animals have a purpose in this world, so killing them would destroy the balance, nee?^^
12) Worst drama you've ever seen: let me think... hmmm.. can't think of one XD my brain fails today XD
13) Best way to relax: Lying down and focusing on body parts, thinking that they're heavy. And doing that with every body part until all the body is relaxed. Love it ♥
14) Are there any bits of childhood that you miss: Not having anything to worry about...
15) Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall: Spring, because i hate the cold and dark winter. In spring the sun and all colors come back. Gives you so much more energy ♥
16) Say this to the person who tagged you: Hiiiiiiii~~
I'm not gonna tag anyone because... i fail XD
If you want it, take it^^