still chortling at hamsexiness

May 30, 2006 16:39 has eaten up half my day at least.  It's not what you might think, and it's as "safe for work" as most interweb tomfoolery.

some samples
(the hovercraft is pretty singular and actually kind of cool)

I have to admit, before I got my license, I didn't know the attraction that amateur radio held for the sort of person that likes to put emergency lights on his Caprice and play at having some kind of authority. The crowd calls them "whackers": my new word of the day!  There's like a whole syndrome or something these guys are acting out.

When I got my amateur ticket a few years back, I was still working with some serious rf analog guys who were a pretty far cry from the amber-lights-on-a-beater crowd but I was still kind of disappointed that the airwaves are not full of silicon valley rf wizardry: most operators have technician-type jobs and the rate of progress in amateur radio is glacial.

Also I learned today from hamsexy that Sir Mix-a-Lot, in addition to liking big butts, is a serious radio enthusiast and owns some kind of radio parts company in Seattle.  That's really cool if it's true.
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