(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 13:07

I'm really pleased with the responses to my next-to-last post, which are all great and even brilliant, but I'm swamped until the end of the month so I will have to wrap up my thoughts on that subject later.

There's a meme of posting anti-war lyrics going around.  I will do no such thing.   Instead, I will share with you the lyrics of the Macedonian folk song "Ako umram il gazinam", which means "If I die or if they kill me".

If I die or if they kill me
Do not cry for me
Pour a lot of red wine
And break the glasses

You, my true friends, sing a song and remember me!

If I die or if they kill me
Do not call a priest
Just come to my grave
And dance!

You, my true friends, sing a song and remember me!

If I die or if they kill me
The memories will be
What a wild man I was
In the years of my youth!

Amalgamated from the following translations around the web; I don't speak Macedonian and can't vouch for their accuracy.
http://home1.gte.net/theforsyths/bmn/ako%20umram%20page.html (there's an mp3 file there too, if you want to hear it)
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