Aug 23, 2007 01:36
Late Victorian Holocausts - Mike Davis
City of Quartz - Mike Davis
Speaking Into the Air - John Durham Peters
White Noise - Don DeLillo
Americana - DeLillo
Libra - DeLillo
The Body Artist - DeLillo
Slowness - Milan Kundera
A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut
God Bless You Mr. Rosewater - Vonnegut
The City and the Pillar - Gore Vidal
The Stranger - Camus
I and Thou - Martin Buber
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - T. S. Khun
The Silent Language - Edward T Hall
Feminism is for Everybody - bell hooks
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller (if you can count reading a book for the 13th time reading)
Various graphic novels that exist in my house.
Books I read part of:
Picture Theory - WJT Mitchell
Excitable Speech - Butler
Dessert Solitaire - Ed Abbey