(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 16:00

So ... I’m putting out this survey for a Psychology class project - and I would REALLY appreciate it if you took a minute to fill it out. Feel free to copy and paste these questions into a message, or set your comment to private (if you're good at LiveJournal and know how to do that...). You’ll remain complete anonymous in the results.

Thank you so much - you’re doing me a great favor!

Marriage and Divorce Survey


1. Do you believe that marriage is a life-long bond?
a. Yes
b. No
c. It depends

2. Is it okay to get a divorce?
a. No, never
b. Yes, if one or both partners are unhappy
c. Yes, if there are problems with substance abuse, domestic violence, adultery, etc.
d. Yes, but only as a last resort

Are there any other reasons to get a divorce?

3. If a couple have children, should they wait until the children have left home before they divorce?
a. Yes
b. No

Why do you think so?

4. Do you see yourself getting married, having a commitment ceremony, or establishing a domestic partnership?
a. No, probably not
b. No, but I can see myself in a permanent or semi-permanent relationship
c. Yes…
During college
After graduation
After I establish a career
d. I don’t know

5. Do you see yourself getting divorced, or ending your domestic partnership?
a. No, I’m not getting married in the first place
b. No, never
c. Yes, if it comes to that
d. I can see myself getting separated

6. How would you describe your dating life, both past and present?
a. No relationships
b. Some one-night stands or casual sex
c. Some shorter relationships or dating
d. Some short, some long relationships
e. Some longer relationships
f. One permanent or semi-permanent relationship

7. Are your mom and dad married?
Yes No

If yes, for how long?

How old were you during their marriage?
(Give an age range - for example, if your parents married when you were born and divorced when you were 5, put “0-5.” If your parents are still married, put “0 - your current age.”)

8. Did your parents divorce?
Yes No

If no, you're done!
If yes, how old were you when your parents divorced?

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being amicable and 5 being hostile) how would you rate your parents’ divorce?

1 2 3 4 5

9. What was the custody situation after your parents’ divorce?
a. Full custody to mom
b. Full custody to dad
c. Joint custody - I lived mostly with (circle one) mom/dad and saw my (circle one) mom/dad over weekends or breaks
d. Joint custody - I saw both my parents equally
e. Custody was awarded to someone other than my parents

10. How did you feel about your parents’ divorce at the time? Give three or more adjectives to describe your feelings (no need for complete sentences here).

11. How do you feel about your parents’ divorce now? Again, three or more adjectives to describe your feelings.

12. Did your mom remarry?

If yes, for how long?

How old were you during this marriage?

13. Did your dad remarry?

If yes, for how long?

How old were you during this marriage?

(If your mom or dad remarried more than once, please list all marriages and how long they lasted)
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