Jan 02, 2006 17:41
well, i'm following the crowd...shoot me, i'm allowed to do it every once in a while!
new year's resolution #1
quite hurting myself and marring my physical body
new year's resolution #2
get off my lazy ass, work out, and become a police officer (need to be in shape to kick some bad guy ass)
new year's resolution #3
keep my living space cleaner...i'm worse than some of the guys i know!
new year's resolution #4
be more assertive, less passive and less aggressive
new year's resolution #5
get to finally writing those fucking essays for the dp and keep meditating everyday!
new year's resolution #6
be more honest...almost scathingly so...well, maybe not that honest...
brought to you be the number 'suck my dick!', the letter 'you're still fucking here?!', and the wonderful song of 'goddamn, you're annoying' by the newest hanson member, george bush....thank you, and good night.