Aug 28, 2007 12:58
so i decided to go back to school.
don't ask me why the hell why.
I was talkin to my friend roz about her job as a "case worker"(?)
and it reminded me about my initial goals when I first moved to philly.
it's something that i know that i would enjoy and be good at
but the pay SUX big time. interns at my job here would make more
no seriously... they would. I work in IT and it pays decently enough and i'm
comfortable. so I keep asking myself why. why ...why....
so i went to the admissions office and registered for classes.
on the way there I kept asking myself," why the hell am i doing this?"
hopefully i'll hate it so... just kidding....
when i first moved to philly i wanted to work with the poor and addicted.
so i wanted to a clinical counselor for addictions, it's now three years later
and i 'm just beginning this way cause ... actually i don't know why...
parts of me wants to really make a difference in this world in my job, part of it
is what I believe as a part of my spirituality, part of it i'm still trying to figure out.
but that's life right?