So this whole week I have been cleaning my room back at home. I had not realised that I had so many books in my room. Now, these books were all of when I was a kid growing up to when I was in high school. I had a load of children's books, young adult books and those books high school made me buy and read.
I loaded up 3.5 boxes worth of books. I then took them over to the Richmond Public Library.
This library was the one I went to when I was a kid. I used to live in Richmond and that was the closest library. It was nice to go back to the library that I haven't been to in almost a decade. Not much has changed since.
I brought in my books right before the library closed. The librarian at the reference desk remembered that I called in earlier and was super excited to see that I had a lot of children's books. I think maybe there was a low amount of books for young kids. She kept thanking me. I just smiled.
Then she asked me how old I was... and ventured a guess. She thought I was 18. She as surprised that I was going to turn 24 next month. YES! I look young still!
It was hard for me to give away all the books. I sat for hours at my house looking through them and just reminiscing about all the stories I had read. It's hard to say goodbye to the memories and the tools that enabled me to grow up to become a writer as a kid.
That was a lot of books I had to say goodbye to. I know that I won't be reading them again, so I knew that giving them to the library so other people could was the right thing to do.
But just being able to say goodbye and have a librarian think I was 18 was pretty sweet!