Earth Hour... really?

Mar 27, 2010 20:55

Every last Saturday of March, from 8:30PM-9:30PM (where ever you are), you are supposed to turn off lights, major appliances, or whatever that can use up a lot of electricity. The goal is to raise awareness to people about conservation and preparation for climate change.

They call this radical idea: Earth Hour

The WWF (not the wrestling people... they use a lot of lights for their shows) came up with this idea and well, I think it's dumb.

Let me explain. The idea of conserving energy and helping the planet is good. I agree. But to one day out of the year, for only one hour, to do it? That's not effective. I didn't even know about earth hour until a couple hours ago.

If everyone turned off lights they weren't using for one hour, that can actually raise "awareness". I hate that word. Awareness is bringing forth an idea or theory into the public. What Earth Hour doesn't do is bring action.

You see, awareness just tells people to save energy. But it's just once a year. The rest of the year, there is no major actions towards. Now, if Earth Hour was a monthly thing, maybe it will stick to people. Maybe it becomes an international weekly thing. Hey! How about that?

But no. That won't work. Then because inconveniently, Earth Hour could fall on Christmas, or Halloween, or some major holiday and people would complain.

Trust me, the idea is great. But there isn't any action being done. I really don't see a point in just doing it once a year. I in fact already do my best to conserve energy anyway. Earth Hour needs more than just once a year.

Awareness is useless until major action follows. I'm sure there are some actions taken. But with such an effort to make everyone turn off their lights for an hour, how about more effort in making it a habit for people?

Yeah, those are my thoughts today.

Sidenote: It's is eerily dark right now as I type this (8:57PM) outside. Kinda creepy and unsafe looking.

Sidenote2: If I totally missed the idea of Earth Hour, please tell me. I'm basing this post off of my knowledge of it, which is little. Which also might be more than what the average person does know about Earth Hour, which enhances my point.
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