Memes and shit

Sep 09, 2010 14:29

First, a hilarious Dokken commercial showing how to sell out in style. Yoshiki, are yo taking notes?

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Note: This is not intended as an endorsement of Norton Antivirus; this is instead an endorsement of FUCKING AWESOME!

First of, question meme, given to me by Shadowedorange If you would like a question, say "CHICKEN!"

1. What's your favorite birdsong (the one you can identify with the bird that makes it, anyway)?
Blackbird, because of the Beatles song.
2. What's your favorite kind of birthday cake?
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, with more chocolate on top. I need to post the pictures of my birthday cake, as soon I figure out how to get it off mom's camera into my computer.
3. You get to chose between either Tetsu or Yoshiki picking your clothing for a month (not out of stuff you already have; they're buying it). Who's it gonna be?
Tetsu. Sure, I'll have to wear pink, but he less likely make me dress sexy, ew.
4. What were some of your favorite toys as a little kid?
Blocks, Legos (used for building pyramids that got immediately destroyed) and a Ratty old Care-Bear named Pinkie Twinkie (my brother named her, not me.) One of my favorite things to do with her was to give her rides on the ceiling fan, which consisted of placing her on the fan, turning it on, and watching her fly across the room. Yay for bunk-beds!
5. What's the worst thing you've called someone to their face (worst as per your interpretation)?
Oh, geez, I have no clue. I tell people off so much I honestly can't rem,ember the worst thing I said. I think it might of been the time I called the principal of the school I got kicked out of a petty tyrant and said the only reason he took the job (he was a former jailer) was so he could have power over a group of people with no way to fight back...turns out he just wanted to steal from the school. No, really.

Say "Nny" and I will give you a letter. Name 10 songs you love starting with that letter.
I got P from demon-rays
1. Radiohead -Paranoid Android
2. Rolling Stones - Paint it Black
3. The Seatbelts - Pushing the Sky
4. Kid Dakota - Pine Ridge
5. The Shins - Pink Bullets
6. hide - Pink Spiders
7. Plastic Tree - Planetarium
8. Sponge - Plowed
9. Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
10. Plastic Tree - Psycho Garden

stupidity, music, meme

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