(no subject)

Aug 29, 2010 14:06

Leave a comment saying "BANANAS"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions.
- Update your own journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

given by b_sim
1. If Pata asked you to marry him, would you, or do you just like him as a friend?
Say no; I'd rather just be friends, since I don't actually like sex (or romance.ick.)
2. Who do you go to for guitar lessons, Kaz or hide?
HIDE! For one thing, I do consider him a better guitarist. Two, he's crazy fucking awesome and liable to teach me how to play the weird shit I like. (Actually, I play bass. Taiji-sensei plz :P)
3. Favourite drummer?
John Bonham, Led Zepplin.
4. Which part of Hyde's body is your favourite?
His hair~ So pretty. Especially when it was long.
5. If you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would you choose?
Black! Black as the blackest night! TIMES INFINTY! *sigh* Too bad I can't; I have enough problems with split ends already. :( Nopt to mention if I do decide to dye my hair, I'd have to buy the dye in bulk.

given by demon-rays
1. Who would you rather study math with, Yoshiki or Pata?
Pata, since my requirements for a study partner consist of "be quiet and stay out of my way," two things Pata is very, very good at. Yoshiki, on the other hand...
2. If you had a choice between bass and guitar for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?
Bass. I don't really play the guitar.
3. If Pata showed up at your doorstep with a box of kittens and he says that they're all yours, how would you react?
"OMG! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! PATA! *glomps* KITTIES! *cuddles* PATA! *glomps* EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will go on for a while, until I remember that I have a birdie and the kitties would probably eat him...so I'd give the kitties to my cousin to take care of.
4. If hide came to you with the offer of pranking someone you couldn't stand, what kind of prank would you ask him to do?
Glue all their furniture to their ceiling while they're on vacation, just because that would be awesome! Oh, or we could dissemble one of Yoshiki's cars and reassemble it in his living room. We'll need my uncle for that, though, since he's the only one who's done it before.
5. Which do you think is more retarded of an Adult Swim cartoon. Space Ghost, or Bird Man?
Haven't seen either. X_X


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