Finally. It only too me what, two months? Man I'm fucking lazy...
Anyways, here are the rules, such as they are.
hide's list These are your prompts. Use them wisely.
-Use as many/few prompts per fic as you feel like. Do as many fics as you feel like. There is no prize for completion.
-Fics may be any length. No rating restrictions. Feel free to use any/all pairings you want or none at all.
-Fics do not have to be comedy or crack; you can be serious if you want.
-There is no time limit, so take all the time you want.
-Please let me know if you choose to do this; I wanna read 'em! Plus, I'll be making a list of fics for this challenge. You want to be on the list, right?
...and that's all! Simple, eh?