:x: name = Laura
:x: piercings = 2 (one in each ear)
:x: tattoos = None
:x: height= 5'4"
:x: shoe size = 6
:x: hair color = Brown with faded badger-like stripes.
:x: siblings = Two female siblings
:x: movie you rented = Never rented anything - but Amy rented Butterfly Effect while I was at her house.
:x: movie you bought = *thinks* ...I don't know. Dogma, I think.
:x: song you listened to = Music is the Victim - Scissor Sisters
:x: song that was stuck in your head = the song at the end of the last episode of Hex
:x: cd you bought = Laika
:x: cd you listened to = Laika
:x: person you've called = Mum
:x: person that's called you = Amy. A while ago
:x: tv show you've watched = Hex, on Wednesday
:x: person you were thinking of = Nari. Do you even have to ask that?
:x: you have a crush on someone = Mm
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Canada, anyone?
:x: you think about suicide = No.
:x: you believe in online dating = In a way. Not with all the current connotation but I love my Nari and she's an online relationship.
:x: others find you attractive = Apparently.
:x: you want more piercings = Yeah - eyebrow, scaffold
:x: you like cleaning = Hell no
:x: you like roller coasters = Noooo
:x: you write in cursive or print = A weird mix
:x: long distance relationships = For. But I hate it. I'd prefer Nari to be here but I'll have to make do with her being in Canada
:x: using someone = Against, but I've done it before without realising it
:x: suicide = Neither.
:x: killing people = Neither (I'm a situationalist y'know? - Been in Philosophy and Ethics today)
:x: teenage smoking = Against, but personal choice
:x: driving drunk = For. *sarcasm*
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = It worries me that this is between all these horrible things. I'm for it, I am gay.
:x: soap operas = Neutral
:x: ever cried over a girl= Yeah
:x: ever cried over a boy = No, beyond my dad or Spike from Buffy
:x: ever lied to someone = Yeah. Compulsively but not over serious stuff.
:x: ever been in a fist fight = I've been in a bitch fight...
:x: ever been arrested = Nah
:x: shampoo do you use = Head and Shoulders
:x: shoes do you wear = My rainbow trainers
:x: are you scared of = the dark, loud noises
:x: of times I have been in love?= I don't know. Once, I guess
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = Once when I was little
:x: of hearts I have broken? = At least one. :| I'm a heartless bitch when I don't like someone.
:x: of girls I have kissed? = One
:x: of boys I have kissed? = None
:x: of girls I've slept with? = One
:x: of boys I've slept with? = None
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = Lots.
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?= A lot - not a lot happened where I used to live.
:x: of scars on my body? = Four on my right leg, one on my lower stomach, one on my boob and my arm.
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Not much
:x: pretty - Sometimes
:x: funny - I am. People laugh at things I say.
:x: hot - Yeah. It's quite warm in here and I'm wearing a jumper beneath my cardi. *sticks tongue out*
:x: friendly - Sometimes overly
:x: amusing - Mmuh
:x: ugly - Sometimes
:x: loveable - Heh, if you love paranoid clingy girlfriends. *hangs head*
:x: caring - ...Depends
:x: sweet - Sometimes
:x: dorky - Extremely.
5 letter word: ...I can't think of one :|
actor/actress: Alyson Hannigan/Amy Acker/Eliza Dushku/Keira Knightly (all purely for looks...bad me)
Cartoon: Dunno. Xmen.
Cereal: Rice Crispies
Chewing gum: Menthol stuff
Colour(s): Red, purple, green, black, blue
Color nail polish: Black or red
Day of week: Tuesday
Least fave day: Sunday, so boring
Flower: Daisies and poppies, and pansies
Jello flavor: don't like it much
Jewelry: My pentagrams and my rainbow arm band (gay pride! XD)
Special skills/talents: I can talk lots. Does that count?
Summer/Winter: Summer...Well, spring and Autumn actually
Trampolines or swimming pools: Swimming pools, dude
|| Person who last.. ||
Slept in your bed: Moi
Saw you cry: This girl in my dream with prettiness. ...In real, waking life... no one for a long while
Made you cry: Said girl in dream with prettiness. Before that, Nari
You went to the movies with: James and Sarah-Jane
Yelled at you: Geoff, my R.S teacher. Me and Heidi were talking. He actually apologised afterwards, bless him - he's so timid.
Sent you an email: Nari.
|| Have you ever.. ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yeah, not since we've been together though
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah, but my nighty was under my coat and I had trousers on
Kept a secret from everyone: Yeah, before I came out
Cried during a movie: Yeah
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: No.
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Hell no. Just Tuesdays when Buffy/Angel was on, and Wednesdays when Hex was.
Been on stage: Yeah
Been to New York: No
Been to California: No
Hawaii: No
China: No
Canada: No! *cries*
Europe: Yes. For one, English. Also been to France, Germany, Switzerland...
Asia: No
South America: Nah
Australia: Nopers.
Wished you were the opposite sex: Yeah, it would make fancying girls less scary :D
What time is it now?: 10:05
Apples or bananas?: Bananas
Blue or red?: Blue
Walmart or target?: *stares* Not american.
Spring or Fall?: Autumn. ;) <---What Rine said
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Get a drink
What was the last meal you ate?: Tea, pasta. Last night
High school or college?: College, but not American college
Are you bored?: Yeah
Last noise you heard?:My music, and Jack humming to it
Last smell you sniffed?: My ferret *cringes*
Last time you went out of state/province?: Erm *shrugs* OMG! I just got an email from Nari - ahem
|| Friendship/Love ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: In a manner of speaking, but really I just think you can know that one day you could love them. Not immediately.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Gah
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Not homophobic... And that they like me being around, 'cause it helps
|| Other Info ||
Criminal record?: Oh yes. I'm quite the axe-murderer, with a little mild cannibalism on the side. <---*dies laughing at Rine* No, I haven't.
Do you speak any other languages?: Je parle Français assez bien.
Last book you read: The Eyre Affair, Jasper Fforde.
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: The mess, my bed.
Thing you dislike about yourself the most: My hair also. It sucks
Worst feeling in the world: So far for me, it was loneliness
Who you love: Nari. my parents, some of my family and all of my online and offline friends.
Who you miss: Nari
|| You ||
Nickname(s): Lou, Lolly, Loopy Laura, Phunkie, Polo, Cwazy Wesbian
Initials: LML
How old do you look?: ...Seventeen?
How old do you act?: Seventeen. Sometimes.
Glasses/Contacts: No
Braces: Not now
Do you have any pets?: Lots.
You get embarrassed: Sometimes
What makes you happy?: Nari, most things, college, friends
What upsets you?: Death, ignorance
|| Finish the sentence: ||
I Love to... eat my honeyness
I Miss... Buffy and Angel (Wow, that was weird, a Buffysong came on when I typed that on my playlist)
I Wish... I wish I ate that dish
I Hope... is 'j'espère' en Français...hum
I'm Annoyed by... my sore throat
I Am... what I am, I don't want praise, I don't want pity. I bang my own drum, some think it's noise, I think it's pretty!
I Want to Be... under the sea, in an Octopusses garden, in the shade.
I Would Never... do that.
I'd Rather... do this.
I Am Tired of... my curvy frame
I Will Always be... me
|| Have you ever.. ||
Thought you were going to die: Yes
Wanted to Run away: I did :P
Flunked a grade: No!
Skipped a grade: Nah