Jan 03, 2010 19:34
I wasn't going to post resolutions this year, or just make a simple one:
This year I will be better.
But y'know, as New Year's Eve came and went, I thought more about it and figured it can't hurt to make a list of goals. These may be vague to some people, but after all, they're for me, not for anyone else.
Here it goes, in no particular order:
This year, I will get my professional life in order.
This year, I will be faster.
This year, I will provide better.
This year, I will master the five master hews and the four basic guards.
This year, I will clean this up.
Este año, yo mejoraré mi español.
This year, I will steer clear of the law.
So yeah, in the end my resolution is the same.
This year, I will be better.