Dec 24, 2013 16:51
Speaker:...and all you have to do is truly believe in God, and fully surrender your life to him...
Me: Hang on. What does that actually mean?
Speaker: Truly believe in God, and fully surrender your life.
Me: Are we talking about...going cold turkey? Killing my own personality? Brainwashing? What does this... what is that actually supposed to mean?
Speaker: Son, if you'll truly believe that Jesus is the son of God, and that He died for your sins, and that He knows what you need in your life, and step out on Faith...
Me: Step out on Faith? If I've already surrendered everything, what am I doing stepping anywhere? I'm a robot, right? How can I make decisions like stepping anywhere?
Speaker: Don't mock the Lord, son.
Me: I'm not mocking the Lord. You're using this obtuse language which has no connection to actual contigual reality, and when I ask what you mean, you hit me with more obstruse non-contextual terms.
Speaker: Son, your lack of faith in the power of God to overcome your fear is destroying your life! Turn away from your sinful ways and come to Jesus!
Me: What does it mean to 'come to Jesus'? What does that actually look like? How does that function?
Speaker: Son, you can't demand clarity before God can act, you have to depend on the mystery of God and step out, depending only on God!
Me: Once again, what does that look like? What does that mean?
Speaker: You have to know in your heart...
Me: I have to know something, mentally, in the organ that pumps blood through my body? What? Do you hear yourself?
Speaker: Son, you are blinded by man's imperfect ways of understanding things...
Me: You're using man's language (poorly) to say things which have no actual relationship to anything in real life, and you're accusing me of being blind? Really?
Speaker: And the wisdom of God falls on deaf ears...
Me: It doesn't matter if people can hear or not if you refuse to use language which actually means something.
Speaker: And God's wisdom is not man's wisdom. Let him who has the true heart for God be open to...
Me: see, now you're just making excuses, and using some clap trap about only the people who are meant to hear hearing. If only some people are meant to hear, why bother talking? Surely they've already heard? And if I'm honestly asking questions, and you're just going to insult my intelligence and character, what's the point? How about you lay down your right to control the message and guard the gateway, and let Jesus do that job?
Speaker: Do not let the false prophets draw you away from God!
Me: Amen.