Aug 02, 2010 20:39
i'm well on my way to being happy...
no more Chris on the scene, got my fitness back on track.. city2surf next weekend! yay.. work still blows.. but i'm looking at changing jobs, maybe going into merchandising for a while.
i've also discovered a passion for helping people who need it most, this is why i'm looking into joining the SES as a volunteer. Then perhaps studying to be a paramedic. thats what i want to be when i grow up. i finally figured it out. having no man around has helped. my douche-bag housemate is gone too, and my little sister is moving in.. this will keep me out of trouble. i've always set a good example for her and i don't intend on stopping just because she's an adult now.
the rain outside is recharging my batteries and i feel a change happening that i'm welcoming with open arms.
that is all.