Oct 21, 2006 02:12
Well the ackardness will have been lessened by now. Talked to Base and that took a really long time. Like 30 mi of talking about anything but what he had me there to talk about. I broke my umbrella when trying to not talk about it. Funny but poor care bear is art now. I miss all you Homeies. It is really weird how here in college you can have such a relationship with people that it is like you have known them for years. I find I fit in out of no where. I'm on carpentry crew, I get to make all the sets. It makes me laught. I wish I could show all of you a day in the life of me. Not you Ash, you know what A day in the life of us is!! Man you would love to scratch Ronalds back, it looks so pretty and i think you would love decorating it. Well nothing really worth reporting other than. ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW!!!! ANYONE CAN COME!!! FRIDAY 27th DRESS TO IMPRESS!!! HALLOWEEN STYLE!! HEY BEN MAYBE YOU WOULD WANT TO COME?¿ WELL MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE COMING!! Except you Rob, I know you are coming:)