From Riley

Sep 21, 2008 18:56

1. Start Time - Seven.
2. Name - Beth Christina Anderson.
3. Astrology sign - Cancer/Leo cusp.
4. Gender - Female.
5. Eye color - Blue-green.
6. Favorite color - Blue.
7. Glasses - Sometimes.
8. Tattoos - None.
9. Birthday - July 22nd 1983.
11. Sibling's name(s) - Nay siblings, nay names.

12. Cut your own hair? When I was seven.
13. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? No.
14. Skipped school? No.
15. Bungee-jumped? No.
16. Punched someone? Sort of.
17. Cheated on a test? No.
18. Been arrested? Nay.
19. Broken into someone's house? Nay.
20. Been rejected? Aye, but it was mutual.
21. Been to a funeral? Aye.
22. Used a lighter? Nay.
23. Been on stage? Only in a school play.

24. Season - Spring.
25. Food - Toasted cheese.
26. Ice cream flavor - Old English Toffee.
27. Candy - Sherbert.
28. Breakfast - Toast and honey.
29. Person - Riley, Lachlan.
30. Book - Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban (Dinnae make fun! I like Sirius).
31. Song - Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones.
32. River - Any of the ones here in Scotland.
33. Place - My apartment.
34. Sport to watch on TV - Rugby.
35. Disney movie - Ratatouille.
36. Disney princess - Aurora.
37. Name for a son - Michael.
38. Name for a daughter - Rebecca.

39. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
40. Coffee or Cappuccino? Coffee.
41. Long relationships or one-night stands? Long relationships.
42. Dogs or cats? Dogs.
43. Scary movies or comedies? Comedies.
44. Short or long hair on the opposite sex? Shortish.
45. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons.
46. Sitcoms or dramas? Sitcoms.
47. CDs or radio? Both.
48. Friday or Saturday? Friday.

52. Talked on the phone? Aye.
53. Watched a movie? Aye.
54. Cried? No.
55. Smoked? No.
56. Drank a glass of water? Yes.
57. Used drugs? Nay.
58. Read a book or magazine? Aye.
59. Watched TV? Yes.
60. Looked in the mirror? Yes.
61. Taken a shower? Yes.
62. Taken a picture? Yes.
63. Listened to music? Yes.
64. Told someone you love them? Nay.
65. End Time: 11pm.

entry: meme

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