For muses_w_remotes - 4.5

Aug 23, 2008 19:43

4.5. "Sex COULD kill you. Do you know what the human body goes through when you have sex? Pupils dilate, arteries constrict, core temperature rises, heart races, blood pressure skyrockets, respiration becomes rapid and shallow, the brain fires bursts of electrical impulses from nowhere to nowhere, and secretions spit out of every gland, and the muscles tense and spasm like you're lifting three times your body weight. It's violent. It's ugly. And it's messy. And if God hadn't made it UNBELIEVABLY fun, the human race would have died out eons ago."
| House, M.D.

Beth Anderson was an affectionate drunk. She wasn’t so bad that after a few drinks, she was anyone’s, but she did tend to hug a lot and lay sloppy kisses on her friends. And if she was involved with someone, she was practically attached to them like an extra appendage.

The trip to Scotland had been impromptu. It had occurred to her that she needed to bring the rest of her stuff back to Princeton, and she needed to say a proper goodbye to her parents and the rest of her friends. She’d already formally left her position at the school; telephones and email were useful for that. Only the thing about making the trip home had been that she hadn’t wanted to do it alone. She’d wanted Riley to come with her. She was selfish enough to want some time with just the two of them, and she figured it might be a good chance for his soul batteries to be recharged.

Now she was straddling his lap in one of their favourite pubs, nuzzling against his neck as she combed her fingers through his hair. They’d been drinking Glenfiddich for most of the night, quickly abandoning the lager in favour of something stronger. It felt right. It felt like it had before he’d left. Before she’d thrown everything away in an emotional outburst.

She undid two buttons on his shirt and exposed his collarbone so she could suck on it. His hands gripped her thighs and she smiled against his skin. It felt like before, but something was different. She knew she could only push her luck so far before Riley would probably start to pull away so he could keep her safe.

Beth was intent on enjoying every second of this, though. She knew he could be HIV positive. She knew if anything went wrong he’d blame himself entirely for ruining her life. She just wasn’t about to give him up again. She still hated herself for losing him in the first place. “I love you, Riley Browne,” she murmured against his ear.

“Your drunk!” he sniggered as his hand shifted to squeeze her arse. Beth’s own hands moved and she slipped one between their bodies to rest it against his crotch as the other one gripped the back of his neck.

“M’not,” she giggled. “Tell me you love me, too.”

He sucked in a breath and rocked his hips up against his hands. “I-I-um, really can’t think of what I’m s’posed to say… Oh, God.”

“S’posed to say you love me too. Isnae that hard, love.” She started to rub the heel of her palm against him, not caring that they were in the middle of a very busy pub. She doubted anyone was paying them any attention.

“Yes, yes it is… How am I s’posed to say anything right now?” He started to wriggle against the booth, and bit his lip.

Beth broke out into a grin, and slid off of him as she slumped next to him and took a deep breath as she tucked her hair behind her ears and reached for her glass. “You’re right. I shouldnae be mol-molestering you like that while you’re trying to talk.”

“You can’t-can’t just do that! I was-there was-hard.” Riley looked at her, clearly feeling abandoned. Then he got this glint in his eye and he shifted to get his hands to her sides as he started to tickle her. “You’re a mean lady, Beth Christina Anderson.”

She broke out into reels of laughter, instinctively trying to curl into a ball. “But you still love me!”

Beth Anderson
Original Character
Words: 604

pullmysteth used with permission.

entry: narrative, with: riley browne, storyline: scotland trip

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