For muse_shuffle - June Disc One

Jun 03, 2008 13:19

04. Do you remember a good first kiss? // Stars shooting across the sky // To come to such a place as this // You never left my mind
(PJ Harvey - ‘One Line’)

I wasnae looking for anything that night. I wasnae looking to “score” and I certainly wasnae looking for true love. I was at that pub for a couple of drinks with my friends and then he was there with Lachlan. All tall and cute, and with that fucking gorgeous arse. I’m pretty sure I couldnae think while he was standing at the bar ordering drinks. I just kept staring at his arse.

Of course I couldnae exactly make a show of perving on him the entire night, so I got a bit more subtle about it. I went over to Lachlan’s table to say hello, and he introduced me to Riley. The poor love was already a wee bit tipsy, so I’m still grateful he remembered my name. Then I left them alone, but I couldnae take my eyes of him.

I still dinnae know what it was. Sometimes I think I just saw in him something that I hadnae found in other blokes. Sometimes I think it wasnae more than lust.

Anyway, when I was leaving the pub Lachlan pretty much pushed the poor boy out after me. Riley recovered enough to offer to walk me home, and I accepted. As if I’d have been crazy enough to say nay.

I held his hand. I think it took him by surprise, but I kind of like that. It isnae always the boy’s job to make the first move. It started raining once we started heading through the Princes Street Garden. Funny how neither of us seemed to want to rush the walk, even if we were getting sodden. It wasnae like it was a torrential downpour, but it was enough to have my hair soaked through, and my coat stuck to my body. He stopped me by the fountain, and pulled me to him. If it had’ve been a film, I’m pretty sure music would’ve swelled.

I remember exactly how his hand felt against my neck, and the way his thumb rubbed against my cheek. I remember the way his breath seemed to warm my entire body when he leaned in close. And I remember the scent of lager, which didnae turn me off like it should’ve. I remember how my body felt pressed against his, and I remember the tight knot of anticipation in the pit of my stomach. I remember how I thought my knees would give out from under me when his lips brushed against mine. I remember my hands clinging to his jacket like it would be the only thing keeping me upright. I remember the taste of rainwater and alcohol on his lips. And I remember just how badly I wanted the world to stop so I could just kiss him forever.

And I remember every single kiss since then.

Now ask me again why I came to Princeton.

Beth Anderson
Original Character
Words: 475

pullmysteth used with permission.

entry: narrative, with: riley browne, comm: muse shuffle

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