Do nice girls finish last too?

Jan 25, 2005 16:36

I stole this from kissmyfeet_. Why? Because I can. What are you gonna do about it? What's that? You're gonna call the cops? I freaking dare you

No wait, I was just joking! J-Just put the phone down, let's talk about this!

I have lost my sanity through boredom )

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phsyke January 27 2005, 00:03:16 UTC
Don't worry, I'm the same
some people aren't lyrics people
but you would probably recognise the songs I bet


kjsgirl January 30 2005, 08:14:20 UTC
i'm the same also. i can pick a song after the first couple of notes but struggle to pick them from the lyrics a lot of the time.


phsyke January 30 2005, 15:35:41 UTC
But it's okay, you have a nice bum. You're exempt from the rules.


kjsgirl February 4 2005, 02:13:48 UTC
I'm so keeping you around.


kjsgirl February 4 2005, 07:53:00 UTC
p.s. i really like this idea, i'm gonna post the same thing when i'm bored one night.


phsyke February 4 2005, 18:59:38 UTC
I will do my best to guess your songs =)


phsyke February 4 2005, 18:58:32 UTC
I will hold you to that


kjsgirl February 10 2005, 06:51:56 UTC
you'd have to catch me first.. and i have a plane flight's head start
*blows rasberry*


phsyke February 10 2005, 14:55:26 UTC
not if I don't tell you!
*turns up at your doorstep*


kjsgirl February 17 2005, 17:37:08 UTC
*freaks out!*
the doorbell rang right as i read that!!
k.. i might be lying cause we don't actually have a doorbell
*cheesy grin*


phsyke February 18 2005, 06:08:39 UTC
ahh but they could have knocked!


no doorbell? minncognito March 15 2005, 05:07:17 UTC
how do you know when people are at your door then?


Re: no doorbell? phsyke March 15 2005, 05:58:35 UTC
oh yeah, she also has no door


Re: no doorbell? kjsgirl March 17 2005, 13:27:25 UTC
haha they come in through the chimney.. wait, no chimney


Re: no doorbell? phsyke March 17 2005, 22:29:08 UTC
ohhh man I was so close to making a sexual chimney reference
I've been watching way too much scrubs


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