I honestly hope the replier to my entry on a community learns better comprehension skills... I assume the person is female, for one of her icons reads, "lesbian, not queer." The sexual orientations of other people are none of my business, and that is not what this entry is about.
I'm just writing and expressing my thoughts about something that just happened, with a person who thought I was acting like a Rambling Random or whatever when I posted an update about my latest coming of age.
An anonymous person hit the Like Button on an old feel good post I put on the introverts community around here on LJ. I assumed that someone who did a nice gesture, so I assumed that someone on there would have liked to read something new from me.
What I basically put down were warm words to start with, and that I sometimes miss "hearing" back from the friend I made on the community a long time ago, who loved games and 90's rock music about as much as I did. I also mentioned a summarization of stuff about my spiritual awakening and ditching the BS lies of luxury that everyone has been indoctrinated with since they were kids. I mentioned of the 2007 incident when Fascist FEMA had been caught trying to sweep under the rug and not acknowledge the fact that THOUSANDS of people had gotten seriously ill due to the unsafe of levels of formaldehyde poisoning. I also mentioned about connecting with various truth-seekers and sticking with the Non-Agression Principle. For anyone who reads this, what that basically means is the core of a philosophy on an awareness that everyone owns themselves, and that no one should initiate violence onto others because they have free wills, thoughts, and opinions of their own. It's the complete opposite of the oppressive and enforced principles from a man-made cancer known as statism - that needs war, lies, deception, fear, greed, and hate (all those wonderful negative emotions) to continue to exist.
I ended my post with this: I'm not saying it's the perfect philosophy or anything like that, but I sure do like it more than collectivism, politicians, and all the phony balonies who are quick to defend fascists instead of doing what they say in their catchphrases on TV.
"On your side." "Working for you." "The spin stops here!" So they say... Easier said than done I suppose! Ministry of Propaganda - the MOP. Metaphorically speaking, the mop that can only spread more dirt around. LOL
I keep my mind sharp, and I stay optimistic - no matter how disgusting the collectivist agendas are. I keep learning, and I keep my mind open. I can't say the same for a majority of people, and I can't tell them what to think. The only person I'm in charge of is myself.
I can only suggest this; you might want to do some research on your own into what I've mentioned.
Whoever it was that gave my feel good entry a like, I thank you. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and for you to stay safe.
Miss Iconoclass replies, "What does this have to do with introversion? Why are you posting information about yourself in this community?"
I replied, "I went into my innermost self and then came out knowing who I am, and that's what I've talked about. I haven't become an extrovert. I'm still an ISFJ, but now I'm talking about it.
It's only random information if you can't use it.
The feel good story that someone liked, approx. 4 years ago.
http://introverts.livejournal.com/249628.html I like to think I've changed into the mosterest betterest person I can be, lol.
Maybe you haven't reached the core of your being yet, but that's okay! You'll get there. :)"
Miss Iconoclass replies back anonymously. "Wow, really? Either you're a troll or unusually lacking in the ability to see things from others' perspectives. Don't take my word for it; ask someone else. Your post is incredibly random and does not express anything more than pointless rambling about your own thoughts and experiences."
Am I supposed to put the word introvert in there somewhere? Am I supposed to start with, "Hi, I'm Marianne, and I'm an ISFJ?" Or maybe end it with, "Oh, and by the way, I'm ISFJ!" lol, there's a reason why the community is titled as introverts, not Introverts Anonymous.
I replied to her, "My own experiences and thoughts are all I have to go on, and to share. What else is there?
If you don't like my thoughts and experiences, then you could move on and go to someone you like reading about.
I've had many mentors, all of them encouraging. You're not one of them, lol. That's okay. I'm not bothered by it. We can agree to disagree, without getting into conflict."
Iconoclass replies again to my message before that, signed in this time. Or, at least I think that's what she did. "Wow, really? Either you're a rather unique troll or unusually lacking in the ability to see things from others' perspectives."
My final reply: "I can see you can't take kindness for an answer, so I don't know what else to tell you, other than this last response.
Trolls are more negative than positive, and they live under bridges. They thrive off the negativity from others.
That's not my intention, and I very well understand everyone else has their own outlook on life. That's why I put in my original post that I'm about not telling anybody what to think. I'm not about telling people what to believe either.
I could go out of my way to breathe down people's necks, and truly ramble like a random person if I wanted to, but nothing good would come out of it. Nothing beneficial, and I say this out of sincerity and reason.
Good day or evening to you. No harm meant, for I hold no interest to go into an argument."
If she happens to find this entry, then I hope with good intentions she realizes that she had me misunderstood. I'm not for insulting her intelligence or coming off as condescending. I just don't troll. That's negative, closed-minded, and absolutely pointless. No thanks. I haven't been interested in being a troll, or a hired government shill.
All I did was leave behind nuggets of wisdom in the midst of sharing something really meaningful that's happened in my life. I did that out of gratitude, to help spread some truth, and to help raise some awareness. Is that something a real internet troll would do? lol, I don't think so...
I'm going easy on her, because neither of us know each other well. I'm not jumping to any conclusions either. I'm not at all offended, so I'll just say I found all that to be strange. Not that it's good or bad. Just strange, in addition to amusing, and interesting. Because people online don't call me a troll often.
By the way, I know I haven't posted on my LJ in AGES. I had moved to dreamwidth.org. I'm starting to think about ditching it, because the useful online idiots (AKA shills, or moniturds) have been messing and changing my password on there all the time. I might just stick to the one blog on the awesome social media platform for anyone who wants a place to seek truth and find like-minded people who live closer to them; on all4truth.com. I like that site too much. It's like Facebook, without all the censorship crap, the clutter, Zuckerberg, and all the Big Gov cronies. I barely go on FB. I mostly check my bookstore business page, glance at my board gaming group page on there from time to time, and to say hi to relatives sometimes on it.
I did a video and showed the awesomeness that is all4truth. :D
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