It's been about a week since I first started this, and I knew it would take me that long because of OMG SO MANY LITTLE DETAILS.
This image is very, very big. I wanted it to be so all the details can be seen clearly! Some of the titles of the books that probably can't be easily readable: Under Sea Life of America, The Gift of the Magi, Around the World in 80 Days, Treasure Island, Star Trek books, Comet by Carl Sagan, D.H. Lawrence: Selected Works, Treasure Island, The Sea Wolf by Jack London, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, a biography on Charlie Chaplin, Dylan Thomas poetry book, The Top 10 of Everything, 1998, Ibenson by Michael Meyer... (Yes I actually have all these in my store!) Charlie Chaplin is awesome, so I might want to read through that biography sometime. 8D
I totally get that Sokka's hands are a bit too big there but it was either that or take forever and fuss over it to get them right. >.> If I want to draw more of Sokka in the near future, then I'd better draw him bigger for next time. Before this I had to erase and redo his arms because the way they were positioned didn't match well with the way he was standing.
GAH, a word in Sokka's speech bubble didn't show up right! :/ Well, that word is of course supposed to be would...
Aside these minor mistakes, I'm overall pleased on how this turned out!