No one came, so it was a real slow day... I just reread more of one of my Animorph books and started reading a few of the comics I bought.
I must have selected over 20 comic books to put in one of those little boxes for around 25 bucks. I bought a mix of those belonging to some fandoms I already liked (Spawn, X-Men, Batman/Batman and Robin, Iron Man, Hulk, a Fantastic Four comic, found a Gargoyles comic too for I used to watch that cartoon, a Hellboy comic, a Silver Surfer one I also remember finding) and some that looked cool or interesting to read through (ZOMBIES! Hunters, Mouse Guard, Eva, World of Warcraft, The Unfunnies looks like an interesting obscure fandom, some others I can't really remember right now).
I know from before I was always glancing over there whenever I walked past those bunches of comics on the way to the women's room in the main building of the marketplace. The bookstore I work in has no bathroom. Anyway, I eventually took some time to look through two small boxes of these comics because I was so TEMPTED TO. XD In the binder that had all these titles in alphabetized, I noticed the seller had Dragonlance: The Legend of Huma listed, including the first three issues. I only have issue four and I liked it! The art and medieval story telling is great. Sadly, I did not find them yet but I'll look again after a while!
I could have taken a break in between comic looking, but I didn't. I lost track of time... ^^; I heard from two of my neighbor vendors that someone was looking for me. Even though I feel taking the time to put a whole box of cool comics together was worth it, I won't make this mistake again.
I started reading through Mouse Guard first. It's about these mice who live in different towns. Some belong to a group known as Guard Mice. The prologue vaguely mentioned something about them being formerly soldiers to defeat this weasel overlord, and in the present they're more like guides, scouts, and protectors--those brands of warriors.
The main storyline starts with a seemingly innocent and ordinary marketing mouse delivering grain from one town to the other. He goes missing. Three of the finest Guard Mice warriors--Kenzie, Liem, and Saxon--were sent to go find him by his worried wife.
Kenzie, to me, is like the Mouse Gandalf of the three, since he seems to be not only very mature and smart, but has this big stick staff for a weapon. He's also the most cautious of the three.
Saxon, my most favorite character so far in this mini series, is a fearless warrior mouse who seems to always be the one to go rushing into battle without giving it a second thought. He's a bit gung-ho and I think that is rad. Pfff he'd make a fun muse. This little guy has quite a bit of fire in him.
When they were fighting this black snake that ate the merchant, Saxon was soooo bold and brave to knock out one of the fangs with his sword! (So I'm curious; what would scare him, if not any other mouse or forest predators such as snakes?)
Liem is I guess a bit naive? He's loyal to his comrades and seems like a very nice and decent mouse. Probably not as smart as Kenzie, and definitely not so brash and fearless like Saxon is. He's a little of both.
So after they defeat the snake (after going into her den to destroy all her eggs), they cut her open to find the dead merchant inside. Already, I knew that was it, but what was not revealed until the end was that the merchant was carrying around a detailed map of the Guard Mice's homeland. He was a traitor to someone else. So instead of going back to tell the wife what happened, they set out to find out who the traitor was trying to hand the map over to. The end I had not expected so I read the next two issues.
The art is just very awesome, and it's a little exciting as well as cute. These Guard Mice are not usually the first to retreat. I have the next two in order, and two to four of what has to be a sequel to the first mini series. So I'll be reading all of those tomorrow. Mouse Guard something that definitely younger readers might enjoy. It's certainly not too predictable and boring. I'm overall glad I put all 8 of those comics in the box.
Coming up after I fix dinner for my dad and me, I'll be working on putting up chapters 3 and 4 of my Darker Than Black fanfiction. :D