Dreams, Roleplay stuff, and other stuff...

Oct 24, 2009 08:48

First, the dreams. I remember pieces of them, including last night's.

The one I had about Wednesday or Thursday night was this weird SPN dream. At first it was kind of cute, with Dean getting attached to this little dog, but by a later scene, it's like Jensen Ackles decided to quit the show and had been replaced very poorly--some blonde teenager. 0_0 Yeaaah, and then the dream morphed into a completely different show, like someone had changed the TV channel.

The one I had last night took place at this summer camp with a lot of people, teens and people around my age. It was very rowdy and chaotic. I feel bad for the middle aged Asian guy who must have lived nearby. His really cool looking Mercedes first got very temporarily stolen by one of those camp people who wanted to take it for a joy ride. The guy then calms down during a Chi meditation (I can't really explain it) only to come back and see one of the back wheels of his car taken off.

Yep, straaaange.

Things going on with the roleplay game I'm already at are going along alright, aside from my self esteem going up and down like a roller coaster. I might have screwed up this one awesome scene with my Dean muse, and someone's Dante Sparda muse. My late tag must have thrown the mun off...? I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid. I KNOW I'm not the greatest/coolest Dean player in the world, and I've been improving on the way I write him. I just hope the new Sammy coming (wooot) will give me a boost of confidence and motivation.

I might have to try again with my Cloud muse for DramaDramaDuck, to try better first person samples I guess. I'm not too sure, because I don't know if I got rejected or not. I'll try one more time, then try to place him somewhere else. If my second attempt doesn't work, then maybe DDD isn't really a place for me.

Finally... Yep, I'm still very into the Darker Than BLACK fandom. I've finished seeing all of season one On Demand and one day I'll end up owning it. By Christmas I'm hoping I can get my new mattress... For right now, I believe I have Hei (and Huang too I think) written out pretty good so far on this interesting fanfiction, on a "what if" concept on people and the contractors they work for capturing people from other worlds and turning them into Contractors or Dolls.

I'm thinking about sharing it sometime soon, on here perhaps. (The first two chapters are so exciting!)

I'm also reading some manga that's a side story not exactly similar to the anime's storyline at OneManga.com.

Now I have to get ready for work. Most likely I'll be getting back to reading more of the manga, or just keep it up on the current and successful threads I have goin' on at Phase RPG later.
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