Sep 16, 2006 23:32
I looked at my watercolour pencils today because I was cleaning my room and I almost started to do watercolour but then I decided to finish cleaning and some how got sidetracked at not doing anything for the whole night. Alma suggested to write a post so here I am.
I am sick - mentally and physically.
I am lonely - no matter how much I indulge myself in work.
I am dead - I wish.
So, I watched American Beauty last night with Naomi, a girl I met in the first week I was here. Her roommate, Man Wai who is in design and the only person I hang out with, went out with her friends. That movie made me angry/happy/sad and every other emotion possible, but in the end, I was just depressed.
When the movie ended me and Naomi just laid in bed listening to the music during the credits while discussing pointless things in life, and life itself. I fell asleep somehow and ended up staying there the whole night. It was nice for once to not sleep alone. But still, I felt alone.
I went to get some breakfast after leaving and then went back to my dorm and slept some more. My mother called me. A conversation that I can't remember.
I'm visiting home in 3 weeks since Yom Kippur is the first holiday to come and I'll have a 5 day weekend. And that following weekend I'll have a 5 day weekend thanks to Thanksgiving. Although it won't be much of break considering I'll have assignments to do.
I must go, I have guests here and we're going to bake cookies and watch Pulp Fiction - if we manage to stay awake.