R.I.P. Bobby Farrell

Jan 11, 2011 19:53

Having been born in the late period of the disco Era, a lot of my childhood consisted of listening to disco and funk records, and then tapes on our terribly advanced for the neighbourhood Hi-Fi system. Apparently I was quite fond of them and toddled around very enthusiastically when they were played. Of course, by the time I was four, I was much more dignified. And it took something to the effect of 300 litres of alcohol to erode that piece of inhibition. Luckily for me, all that enthusiastic toddling had been quite rhythmic and my adult self was spared the shame of whatever it is when people dance quite badly (I'm not judging, just classifying*).

So among other secret shames (like actually enjoying ABBA) I was also very fond of Boney M. Bobby Farrell of Boney M kicked the bucket a week and a half ago, but I heard about his funeral only yesterday. So here's to Bobby, who did some of the most outrageous things it is possible for a performer to do (except for maybe Kate Bush). Here's to you, Bobby:

image Click to view

The substance of what is going on in this video is a whole other post, and I'm not nearly professorial enough to attempt it.

*Fine! Maybe just a little bit.

geek, music

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