I'm sorry I couldn't make it up there. Just wanted to say:
I hope you guys had a good time the nights before. I just hope you weren't out til 6am at a strip club because that was rough last year! I know I'll see you guys again soon. I know it'll be weird for you guys when you leave because you'll just be pushed out into the real world. Well most of you anyway. I still have not yet been pushed out like that. Brown, I know you're a career student but it'll be ok, I promise. Billiam, I hope I see you on the local news doing the weather. How cool would that be? As for the rest of you grads (there are many to mention and I'm worried that I'll forget someone), good luck!
Here's my results from
http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi that I took from Corey's journal:
Phrowie - Australian for Beer.
Fill It To The Rim With Rowie.
A Rowena A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play.
Grab Life by the Row.
I am Stuck on Rowie, 'Cause Rowie's Stuck on Me.
In other news, my gum/tooth is bothering me. That is all. Goodnight!