Dec 29, 2008 00:15
I am so fuckin' amused!
You've no idea.
By so many things.
Fuck it, I'm making this public. I wanna say a couple things...
To stalker #1. You honestly expect me to accept an apology from YOU? I have NO intention of ever being your friend again. You've proven over and over and over again that you are NOT someone I need in my life. I don't have time for druggies who create drama when they can't get their pills. Yes, I miss Rhiannon, but being around her is not worth being around YOU. So stop asking. Stop sending me messages. Stop telling me you miss me. Stop trying to use Reebs as a way to get to me. It's not going to work. I remember what we once had. We lost it the second you lied to me, let alone cheated on me. And then! That shit you pulled when Josh died? Fuck that. I have given you too many chances. You've fucked every one of them up. We're done in every way, and nothing you can do will ever fix that. Just let go, already.
Stalker #2. Well, I don't really have a problem with you anymore. You were pretty creepy with that letter from new year's eve. Really pretty creepy. But I think maybe there's not much wrong with you except that you're a moron.
Stalker #3. Fuck you. Just fucking fuck you you fucking piece of fuck.
And the rest of you... well, I don't know. Some of you I like, some of you I don't, and some of you just need to keep your noses out of shit.
Anyway. I'm gonna go finish putting music on Mista J's iPod. I still have to import the rest of my CDs.
I cleaned out Jamie's iTunes and went from 36 days worth of songs down to... what am I at now.. hang on... 10.6 days. Yeah. And I cleaned out the bookmarks folder, had her remove WOW, and all that kinds of crap.
I guess I shouldn't say Jamie's iTunes. This Mac is MINE now. ^_^ I HAS A COMPUTER! Even if it is a Mac. It's MY Mac, and that's what matters, right? Mine! I still gotta clean out the music from the music folder, the midi files, pictures of people I don't even know, documents I didn't create and all sorts of other shit. But I'm getting there.