Feb 05, 2010 15:11
Holly Walsh could be described as the Rice Krispies of the comedy world: she's gifted with snappy wit and crackling talent and has polished a standup routine that is as feelgood and funny as the best bubblegum pop.
The Portland Blazers are the Rice Krispies of the NBA.
In the "good old days" of the LP (sometimes I thought they were the 'Rice Krispies' of entertainment) you had to purchase both "ellpees" to have the music included in this one CD (more-or-less).
Cloves were a wonderful distraction in my first years as an undergrad. Everybody loved how they would snap and crackle as you took a drag, the Rice Krispies of smoking.
I also feel like telling them, "You realize, boys and girls, that sex and sexuality, in whatever form, is like the Rice Krispies of your being...i.e., part of a complete breakfast (if you will), but NOT the whole damn thing."
I love BB guns - they are the rice krispies of firearms.
The School for Classical and Contemporary Dance was the milk that made the Rice Krispies of my performance career snap, crackle, and pop!
Soccer is the marshmallow that binds the Rice Krispies of society.
Thomas has just moved us on from the Rice Krispies of Female Righteousness straight to the deadly Alka-Seltzer course.
"The forces of destruction have been eating their
Wheaties, boy, while the Rice Krispies of righteousness
Grow cold and soggy. Perhaps this is the way the world ends
Not with a whimper or a bang but with a Snap, Crackle, and a Pop."