Time For A Happy Pill!!!

Oct 05, 2004 13:05

I type drug names down all day long, except when doing email and LJ. So I thought a happy pill was needed. Everyone, including myself, seems groggy and grumpy. I know it's serious when my beloved asexual life partner is in a rut. So here's the deal, and it's not a big thing, everyone needs to take a couple minutes and in their journal write down ten things that make them happy. Small things. Nothing major. I'll go first.

  • The smell and taste of fall evenings and mornings
  • Peanut butter and banana french toast (don't knock it till you try it)
  • Hearing songs I can sing along with
  • Getting email about my friend's lives, especially funny Kimber memos, which if you haven't read, it's on my friend list
  • Finishing a large packet of work
  • Watching one of the youth group kids finally "get" something we've been talking about
  • Llamas...I llove them
  • Rainstorms
  • Lying in bed with the window open so I get the cold of outside but the warmth and comfort of my blanket
  • Sitting on the side of a mountain, well, it's more like a big hill really, and having the air around me

See, it's easy, fun, and makes you feel better. I promise. Well, not really promise because I don't want to be a promise breaker if it doesn't make you feel better.
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