May 07, 2009 19:21
My office is in the midst of applying changes to all of our servers. These changes require a reboot. Pretty common, no big deal. We'll push it down, and reboot the systems.
My immediate supervisor is away at a conference, but has access to email, so i shoot her a quick message to see if there are any special considerations to watch out for as i'm rebooting machines.
Her reply: "Many."
GREAT! That's ALL THE INFORMATION I'LL EVER NEED! I wait for a while to see if she's going to expound on that, but no more contact is forthcoming. $BOSS decides, "Hey, we're going to do this at 1pm so that we have time to fix any issues that come up." Okay, since i'm still the low man on the totem pole, i just nod, despite worries of breaking things mid-day and users calling in a panic.
So i get started, and as I'm plugging away, $SUPERVISOR decides to join the party over VPN. Sends me a list of ones that she's rebooted. To avoid us walking over each other's work, i send her MY list. This is what i got in reply:
"YOU REBOOTED $IMPORTANT_SERVER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY?? It took down $service, $otherservice, and more!!"
She apparently didn't pay attention to the fact that $BOSS put me onto it, and that immediately following $IMPORTANT_SERVER on the list were the servers that ran these services that depend on it. Didn't bother to ask if i'd tested to make sure $services were restored. When i pointed this out, and assured her that all services were working correctly, she decided to flame me about doing this in the middle of the day when anything that goes wrong would be visible to users.
As i'm reading this, i hear laughter from $BOSS's office, and he calls me over:
"Dude, you pissed off $SUPERVISOR. Haha...she's having a fit about you rebooting that server! Hey, don't worry about it, if you never break anything, you're never going to learn how to fix it. You did good, don't worry about her."
A little while later, as i'm checking $IMPORTANT_SERVER to make sure everything has stayed kosher, i notice a few data sources that may be needed by $OTHER_DEPT. The SA there is out for the day, so i go to his supervisor, ask, "Hey, do you know what these belong to?"
His reply: "No, but we can always take them offline and see what breaks..."
Why did i have to wind up under the only person in this whole place that is wound so tight?
Besides, where does she have room to complain if i mess something up when she doesn't want to share vital information? Grr.