Thistlegorm Photo's

Jun 01, 2007 11:16

It only took me 18 months but I've finally made it down to the wreck of the Thistlegorm with my camera. For those of you that haven't heard of the wreck, the Thistlegorm is one of the most famous wrecks in the world as it appears in Jacques Cousteau's Silent World film. It was sunk in 1941 after being struck by German bomber's & earn's the Egyptian tourist board more money than the pyramids. It's also a giant underwater museum, a war grave, a unique piece of military history and an opportunity to step into the past during a period when the free world was under threat from one of the most tyrannous regimes of modern times. It's cargo consists of supply's for some of the British Troops based in Egypt & North Africa, this includes, locomotives, tanks, trucks, motorbikes, ammunition, rifles & welly boots.

The Stern

10.7" Anti Aircraft Machine Gun

Ammo Rounds

Anchor Winch

Bren Carrier MK II Tank

Port side Stanier 8 F Locomotive, blown clear of the wreck

Lee Enfield MK III Rifles & Welly Boot

BSA Motorcyles

The rest of the photo's can be found at Thistlegorm @

All photo's taken with a Sony Cybershot P150 with 16mm wide angle lens & Sea & Sea YS90 external strobe

diving, wrecks, egypt, photo

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