(no subject)

May 05, 2006 21:34

Been a while since I last updated, a month to be precise (oops)
Things are still going well out here, thankfully we weren't affected too much by the bombs in Dahab although noone's too sure what effect it's going to have in the long turn with regards to job security, guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed on that one.
Been pretty busy working of late & trying to get some dives in with my camera. Needless to say I've not had much chance to dive during the day so I've taken to diving at night instead, a lot more peaceful than during the day (& less Italians around too).

Blue Spotted Shield Slug



Crab playing hide & seek

Grey moray & friend

Spanish Dancers hiding from the sunlight

Longnose hawkfish

Started to watch lost a couple of weeks ago & like every other sucker I got hooked, managed to watch all of season 1 in the space of a couple of weeks (that work thing got in the way), just waiting to get hold of series 2 to start it all over again.

Watched a few movies recently, finally got around to watching March of the Penguins - very cute, makes me want to go & see the penguins in the wild, maybe even do a spot of ice diving while I'm there! Have also seen Jarhead which was quite good despite the fact I don't normally watch film involving the army/war etc, also watched a couple of chick flicks as I'm going through the DVD's mum brought out with her (egyptian TV's not great). Date movie was quite entertaining although Rumour Has It was a pile of shite! Am comforting myself by watching Never Say Never Again, the scuba diving gear in it is quite amusing.
Went to the cinema last night (yes we have a cinema here), was meant to see Pink Panther but it wasn't on so we watched Syriana instead, wasn't overly impressed with the film as I found it quite hard to follow although it's quite likely the film had been cut.

I have one of those rare days of on Wednesday so I'm planning on taking a little trip up to Dahab to catch up with some of my dive club for a few beers & maybe even some diving!

movies, news, diving, egypt, photo, fish

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