No snow here!!!!!!!!

Feb 23, 2006 14:50

I survived my instructor course & even managed to get through the 2 days of exams that followed it so I'm now officially a dive instructor (well I will be once the paperwork gets back the UK & sorted out)!
The bulk of the course was spent in the classroom listening to presentations & also giving presentations. We also spent quite a bit of time in the pool learning how to deal with the students there when they have problems etc.Was a good 10 days although at times there was complete brain overload!!
The exams went well, somehow I managed to get 100% in all the theory exams although I'm not entirely sure how I managed that as some of the answer were definitely guess work (the joys of multiple guess exams!), I got 96% in the standards exam which was pretty good as the wording of some of the questions made it a bit confusing as it could be interpreted in many ways. Got full marks for all the practical stuff in the pool & sea & the only thing I did crap on was the presentation so it's was pretty good all round!!
Went out to celebrate last night so I'm spending today being a lazy cow & relaxing as I've not had a day off for about 3 weeks. Going to go diving with my friend tomorrow to play with my camera & new fins so I'm hoping the sea's warmed up a little bit otherwise it might be 2 short dives for me!
Back in the classroom at the weekend to do the EFR instructor course, & then fun diving again on Monday followed by the nitrox instructor course on Tuesday. Going to be a busy few days but at least the worst of it is out the way!!!

news, diving, egypt

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