Title: Into The Park (Through The Jungle, Through The Dark)
Rating: PG
Category: Matthew Scott/Vanessa James. Alternate Universe.
Spoilers: Season Two, Cloverdale
Disclaimer: Owned by others.
Author’s Note: Merry Christmas,
anr! <3
Into The Park (Through The Jungle, Through The Dark) )
Comments 3
“It’s not what you think,” she says, but there’s guilt.
The guy is nonplussed. “We all have secrets.”
“Good ones?” Matt asks.
Ha! and AWESOME exchange.
“Classic Matt charm,” he says and there’s a hint of humor. “I didn’t learn much after us, huh? At least Chloe didn’t hit me.”
She smiles despite herself.
She totally beat him up. Hee!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
You know, it's sad that now the show is cancelled, I'm finding it easier to write Scott/James. SIGH. At least it's likely to end on a question mark and I can imagine endless futures in fic for them. ;)
Yup -- now we can write them any way we like and fix it all properly. :)
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