More on this: Disgruntled motorists,
I feel your pain. Or, rather, I'm sure I have at some point in the past. It's a question of perception. Some of the problem is that Americans tend to view bicycles as toys. As in, "Get your goddam toy out of the road!" Even before I was a
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The bikers don't cause me anger. And yea, some of them are nice to look at too! It's more the very tight feeling in my chest that if either one of us zigs when we should zag, someone is going to be hurt.
My perspective of road rage has certainly changed over the years. I don't drive in the city anymore and there is definatly a more aggressive attitude out there. Out here it's more the difference of the folks that are out for country drive vs. the folks that live in the country and have places they have to get to just like everybody else.
I wish being considerate was a requirement for a license and I'm not sure but I think I might wish that using a bike on city roads needed a license too. Maybe there would be more bike lanes? or even a decent curb so that both vehicle and bike had some safe elbow room? Maybe the cyclist could please be considerate too? Pay attention the approaching vehicle (with the four kids inside) and move a little to the side. Believe me his safety is more on my mind than he can imagine.
In fairness though, it's probably not the kind of route I'd choose unless there really are very few cars through there. Do you think it's very popular with cyclists? More than other Sierra routes?
I had one other comment about the "share the road" thing. The road is there because of the taxes motorists pay for license and registration and (*cringe*)petrol. Cyclists aren't required to pay anything but they do get to use the road.
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