1: Lose Weight! - Yes!
I've kept with the exercise routine I've set out for myself: 30 push-ups, stomach crunches, and "Supermans," along with 30 minutes of Wii Fit free stepping (to the tune of 30 Rock) plus 10 minutes of Wii Fit Hula Hoops--all that roughly every other day, so about four times a week.
I've noticed that I'm now up to the fifth notch on my belt. Before now, I've always used the third or the fourth. I must be doing something right.
However, I'm still sitting steady at 231. I wonder (hope) some of the fat I might have lost has transmuted into muscle mass. I have biceps now! Sort of. Still, it's a number higher than I'd like to to be. Maybe I just need more cardio or something.
2: Budget and Save! - No.
The newest Magic expansion was released on Friday. I've commented that the set will sell simply because of a cycle of five cards Wizards barely even needed to design. There's a ton of other awesome stuff in the set on top of those five, but those five are the things I've been chasing after through almost 144 booster packs.
I'm going to sit down in a moment to figure out exactly what charges are on my card, then pay it all off, then look at how much rebounding I need to do to get back the money I spent from my savings.
Oh, right. Also, I needed to spend another $700 from my savings on school. Stupid student insurance. Stupid class I need to take again.
3: To-Do List! - No.
I had most of yesterday free to get shit done, and going into yesterday, that was the plan. However, after sleeping in and not really being ready to do anything until almost 4pm, I resolved to finish watching the rest of 30 Rock Season 2 and then played some Final Fantasy VI.
I moved a bunch of my crap from my old bedroom to my new one, but I didn't actually put it away. I have stacks of computer boxes and game boxes and clothes and clothes and clothes all over my room. I really need to do something with all that crap sometime soon.
4: Read! - No.
Not a lickin' thing.
5: Create! - No.
I often do a lot of this while I'm on the monitoring boards during my midnight shifts, but I didn't have any last week. Not that this is really any excuse. My room is a mess. Not that this is really any excuse, either.
Clearly, I've got a lot of shaping up to do. One would think that this week's poor results will inspire me to, you know, do something about my lack of everything. We'll just have to wait and see.