Something Wicked This Way Comes

Oct 31, 2007 21:42

It's that time of year again. NaNoWriMo is only a few hours away, and already I'm making excuses. . . Well, not really, but I'm afraid if I don't get much support, I won't continue. I've been back to LJ for a week now, and no one seems to have noticed.

From here on out, at least for the sake of NaNo posts, my journal will be friends locked. That means, if you want to read it (and you know you do) you have to be a journal friend.

One thing before I get started:

Happy Birthday to John Hefty, aka theanonymousx. You're another year older. How goes that bike ride? Or Bob and Percy, for that matter.

To my fellow NaNoers, good luck and see you on the other side.

nano 07

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