Uhg - i've been sick the past few days.. FUN! not.
My personal editions of the
Kitah-al Azif,
De Vermis Mysterius,
Cults des Ghouls,
Necronomicon (Olous Wormius edtion) and the
Pnakotic Manuscripts should arrive in time to consummate the new year, if any of you are planning on I
mmanentizing the Eschaton and need someone to lend a tentacle or two ;)
Currently reading:
Tales out of Dunwich, Innsmouth Cycle, Nyarlathotep Cycle. These all seriously rock. I forgot how cool Dunwich is..
I finished the Club Dumas last week - the book was so much better than the film (The 9 Gates) they may as well be unrelated.
It *almost* made me want to buy a Rapier.. or a really old book on
demonology. (only $4000.00 on Ebay! hopefully that includes shipping)