Overpreparing Kindergarteners
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32404017/ns/health-kids_and_parenting/?GT1=43001 First of all, this can be good or bad, some kids may need it, but if you take it too far your kid ends up ahead of the whole class, you create more levels of students ability than a teacher can handle, and your kid wont get as much attention as the ones who are still learning to read. So it has to be a happy balance. I think pre-school is very important not just to start to learn, but to get a child used to a school routine and socializing with other kids. Besides Kindergarten is still not even mandatory in most states and yet they argue over half-day or full-day kindergarten.
Unions vs. Young Teachers
http://www.parade.com/news/intelligence-report/archive/090816-the-battle-between-unions-and-young-teachers.html I am a young teacher (well I would be if I had a job, darn the constant moving) but I am generally for teachers unions for the protection they provide teachers legally, as well as job protection. Any job is first in, first out when they downsize. I have more of a problem with Teach for America because its geared at non-teaching majors graduates to teach in schools that need teachers, usually they work cheap and do it as a way of giving back, but I know there are young teachers out there who would teach, even in "undesirable" schools. In my opinion, a good school has a mix of experienced teachers and new, young teachers. Experienced teachers and new teachers have much to learn/teach each other.