My politest opinion on the matter.

May 02, 2011 20:06

Anyone praising George W. Bush for Osama bin Laden's killing is a fucking idiot. Capturing bin Laden was never his priority or he wouldn't have gone into Iraq. Hell, going into Iraq wasn't even his highest priority.

You know what was?


Seriously, it's the one major country in the region that has given the US so much trouble, and he wanted to do a classic pincher move on them (assuming he found an excuse). It's a classic strategy, and is the one thing that would have stabilized the region more than anything else (not to mention oil). Would have made a great staging ground against Russia or China as well. It would have been textbook, and would have avoided the whole pesky Persian Gulf bottleneck altogether.

The problem is that George, Donald, and co. fucking half-assed BOTH operations, which meant just dicking around for years, wasting trillions, and a whole lot of lives. those douchebags haven't done one goddamn thing right, and I'm sure history will remember him properly (remember too that the Bailout was Bush's idea and started before Obama took office: Nov '08. Obama didn't start until Jan. 09).

Whether you like Obama or not, he's finishing the shit other people started, and doing it right. Hopefully he'll get his head out of his ass and repeal the other Bush legacy problems (like GITMO, the TSA, the Patriot Act, etc.), but given how governments don't readily give up power this is likely a pipe-dream.
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