Nov 21, 2005 00:12
the Tridentine Mass was amazing!!! There was so much reverence, so much beauty, so much incense!!! Smells and bells rock my world.
They did give out the red Ecclesia Dei missals, which helped me understand what was going on. Having sung Latin Masses in chorus, I understood most of the major parts of the Mass. Even though I didn't participate as much, I felt like I participated in a way that can't be seen or expressed.
Every week, I plan Mass at Goucher, where I set up the altar, lector, cantor, make the announcements, clean up, bake cookies to eat after Mass.... it's tiring and I often dread going to Mass every week because it's so much work and I feel like it inhibits me from focusing on the Eucharist. So the Tridentine rite Mass was a welcomed break from my "ministry fatigue." I am graduating in less than a month and at some point, people at Goucher will have to figure out how to function without me.
The choir was so beautiful, it moved me to tears. I talked to the choir director, and he said they needed altos. If I end up living in Baltimore when I graduate, I am definitely joining!
I don't know if I could do Latin Mass every week. It would take a lot of getting used to, and it's definitely NOT for everyone. But today, it was perfect.