(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 17:10

W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R:
1) pierce your nose or tongue? Nose
2) be serious or be funny? Funny
3) drink whole or skim milk? Whole

A R E Y O U:
4) simple or complicated? depends...

D O Y O U P R E F E R:
5) flowers or angels? Angels
6) grey or gray? Gray
7) color or black-and-white photos? Black and white
8) crushes or love? Love
9) sunrise or sunset? Sunset
1o) M&Ms or Skittles? M & Ms but i cant eat them anymore
11) Rap or rock? Rock
12) Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late, and actually waking up early too
13) TV or radio? tv i think
14) eating apples or oranges? apples
15) being hot or cold? cold, cuz i always am
16) Tall or short members of the opposite sex? taller than me is nice
17) sun or moon? sun
18) emeralds or rubies? rubies
19) left or right? Right
20) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? One best friend, or a few in my case
21) snow or rain? Rain
22) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanilla
23) boys or girls? Boys
24) green beans or carrots? carrots
25) low fat or fat free? uh, low fat if i had to choose

M I S C E L L A N E O U S:
26) What is your biggest fear in the world? i have no idea... i fear things, but nothing tremendously
27) Kids or no kids? kids
28) Cat or dog? Cat
29) Half empty or half full? Half full
30) Mustard or ketchup? mustard, ketchup is gross
31) Hard cover books or soft cover books? does it really matter?
32) Newspaper or magazine? Magazines
33) Sandals or sneakers? both, i love shoes :)
34) Wonder or amazement? Amazement
35) Red car or white car? Red
36) Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor
37) Singing or dancing? singing!
38) Hugging or kissing? Hugging
39) Corduroy or plain? again, both, i love clothes too :)
40) Happy or sad? Happy
41) Blondes, brunettes? brunette for me, other people it doesnt matter

A B O U T Y O U:
What time is it? 5:14
Full name? Courtney Noelle
Nicknames: Court is about it.... never really had a nickname
Names and ages of siblings? Chris, 18
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17
Date you regularly blow them out? December 10
Pets? dog, cocoa cats, abby and wilson bird, fred and guinea pig, ziggy i know i have a zoo here
Height? i like to think 5' 6"
Eye color? blue
Hair color? Brown
Piercing(s)? just the ears

W H A T D O Y O U W A N T:
Where do you want to live? where ever
How many kids do you want? 3-5 seems good
Do you want to get married? absolutely

W H I C H I S B E T T E R:
2 doors or 4? depends on the car
Coffee or ice cream? ice cream
Bridges or tunnels? tunnels
One pillow or two? Two
Crying or one Tear? crying
Blow Dryer or air dry? blow dryer
Pickles? Yum!
Summer or Winter? Summer

F A V O R I T E S:
Salad dressing? Ranch
Color of socks? plain old white
Toothpaste? whatever is around
Food? too many, i love food lol

T H E P A S T:
1 MINUTE AGO: talking to chad :)
1 DAY AGO: watching chad play softball lol
1 WEEK AGO: working
1 YEAR AGO: working a TON
I HURT: uh i dont?
I LOVE: life

C U R R E N T S:
Current Clothes: jeans and a green and pink polo, socks
Current Mood: just chillin
Current Music: none
Current Taste: um none?
Current Hair: bedhead, just got up from a nap
Current Smell: the air freshener thing
Current thing I should be Doing: nothing, im off all week :)
Current Desktop Picture: a bunch of fish
Current Movie In VCR/DVD: the pacifier

First screen name: dont remember
First self purchased CD: don't remember
First funeral: umm my great-grandpa?
First piercing: my ears when i was 4
First credit card: don't have one
First big trip: uhh tennessee?
First concert: Newsboys w/ zoegirl and by the tree

Listenin to: nothing
Chewin: nothing
Feelin: pretty content here, happy
Readin: nothing at the moment, i need a new book
Located: my den
Chattin with: No one
Watchin: nothing

Last big car ride: ichthus or world, whichever was longer
Last library book checked out: friday night lights
Last movie seen: Charlie and the chocolate factory
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: chicken noodle soup
Last phone call: Mr. Landt at church
Last CD played: WOW something or other
Last annoyance: people driving like crazy
Last soda drank: Pepsi
Last ice cream eaten: vanilla custard long while back
Last time Yelled at: dunno
Last website visited: this one
Last person You Chilled with: chad :)

Movie: The Notebook, Lord of the Rings, A Walk to Remember, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, Princess Bride, many others
Song of the moment: Bless the broken road ~ rascall flatts, Next thing you know ~ matthew west
Group of the moment: switchfoot, rascall flatts
Store: gotta love target
Vacation spot: ? Mackinac?
Fruit: most, apples, peaches, grapes
Candy: dont really have one
Day of the week: Sunday
Color: Pink
Name for a girl: Sophia Claire
Name for a boy: uh donno

Fallen off the bed: yes
Fallen for a relative: sick
Had plastic surgery: No
Failed a grade: no
Done something you regret: Yes, who hasn't?

Brush your teeth: Yes
Believe in santa claus: No
Ever get off the computer: yes of course
Like giving hugs: mmhmm!
Like walking in the rain: yep
Sleep with or without clothes on: with of course
Prefer black or blue pens: Blue
Dress up on halloween: no
Like to travel: yes
Sleep on your side: Yeah
Want to marry: yes
Have a goldfish: no
Have stuffed animals: just a few

Law or anarchy: Law
Sugar or salt: salt for sure
Spring or fall: spring
Give or receive: Give
Mcdonalds or burger king: McD's i guess...either works im not picky
Mexican or italian food: i love both
Lights on or off: depends
Duct tape or scotch tape: Duct tape
Candy or soda: soda, but who calls it that? lol
A house in the woods or city: probly the city, i like activity

Hugged: chad last night
IMed: chad, am i seeing a pattern in this survey?
Talked to on the phone: Mr. Landt
Yelled at: mom?
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